Ten Reasons Why Pizza is Good For You and Donald Trump is Not.


  1. Calcium-rich cheese is spectacular. Even the lactose intolerant can substitute dairy cheese for almond cheese and enjoy a delicious, gooey slice of pizza loaded with happiness on a golden crust. Unfortunately, a person is still left feeling bloated, tired, and generally full of angst after listening and watching 30-seconds of Donald Trump.
  2. During 1940, Pizza was used to launch a….campaign. The crisp, buttery crust and robust tomato sauce became a staple for a hearty meal. Pizza, literally, helps socialize people. The same aforementioned year, Frederick Trump (Don’s Dad), took interest in marginalizing African-Americans in New York and prevented them from living in his housing units. Pizza seriously trumps this one.
  3. Pizza can help you absorb Lycopene, an antioxidant found in vegetables and fruits, and may contribute to lower blood pressure. In contrast, Trump’s dyspeptic attitude and populist antics often raise the blood pressure of many people throughout the world, which is NOT beneficial to anyone’s body.
  4. Pizza is a well-balanced meal – even for breakfast – unlike any news of the Trump family, which is not well-rounded nor well-balanced.
  5. You can add fresh vegetables and other savory and sweet toppings to your pizza style; unlike Trump, which has expired flare carried over from the days of Jim Crow. (Ewww, salty!) 
  6. Pizza is more photogenic than Trump and hasn’t tried to destroy democracy.
  7. When you order a pizza with a credit card, your card doesn’t get hit with a recurring charge every night at dinnertime, unlike those unfortunate campaign donors that make a one-time donation to a Trump cause and get locked into hidden weekly, monthly, or yearly reoccurring charges.
  8. Pizza is better to have at parties than Trump.
  9. Pizza isn’t a racist, unlike Trump.
  10. Pizza never tried to steal an election because pizza is popular, but not a populist.

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